Automatic debt collection with a voicebot to remind about payments

Automate the reminders about overdue invoices with an AI voicebot and increase the effectiveness of soft debt collection at your company!

How to automatically reduce the burden of accounting?

Sending reminders about unpaid invoices is one of the biggest challenges for accounting departments. How to effectively contact the majority of customers, talk to them about late payments and oblige them to pay outstanding invoices? The answer is to automate this process using a debt collection voicebot.

Calls per minute 24/7/365 using a debt collection bot
Voicebot understands natural language, which allows for free conversation
Languages in which the AI voicebot talks to customers

Listen to how a debt collection voicebot speaks!

Check how naturally and freely the payment reminder voicebot talks to the customer.
How does an automatic debt collection voicebot work?

A voicebot for soft debt collection will talk to contractors as freely as an employee of your accounting department. Thanks to advanced NLP (natural language processing) technology, the voice assistant will understand the customer regardless of the words and phrases they use to express their intentions. How does a voicebot remind customers about overdue invoices?

  • A debt collection voicebot on selected dates (e.g. every week) calls about overdue payments.

  • It calls again to those who didn’t answer, which allows you to save time and reach everyone.

  • A voicebot for debt collection not only provides information, but also answers questions during the conversation.

  • If a contractor cannot be contacted, the voicebot sends them an SMS with the payment information.

Benefits of implementing a voicebot for soft debt collection

It is specific and composed

Reminding about payments is a lot of stress – both for accountants and contractors. The debt collection voicebot will remain calm in any situation, and people are less reluctant to talk to it about this sensitive issue.

It keeps on calling until it gets trough

A voicebot for debt collection calls repeatedly to people who do not answer – at set intervals, making a certain number of attempts to connect with each contractor.

It remembers about every invoice

A voicebot for soft debt collection doesn’t make typical human mistakes, so you can be sure that it will not forget about any overdue invoice

It takes care of the documentation

A voicebot for automating debt collection processes is integrated with many CRM systems (and can connect to another using Zapier) and over 2000 services such as Google ecosystem, Microsoft, Facebook, Calendly, etc.

It works in a blink of an eye

What would take an accountant a few hours, an intelligent voicebot for recovering payments does in just a few minutes (supports 5,000 calls per minute), saving time and money.

The implementation is quick

A voicebot for debt collection can be implemented in a few days – bundled with editable script templates, speech synthesis and recognition, SMS, local phone number and reporting.
Recover your debts quickly and effectively with a voicebot

What operations can a debt collection bot handle?

A debt recovery voicebot will automate the entire process of reminding about payments and overdue invoices. Among other things, it can:

Identify the customer it is talking to

Differentiate voicemail from a human

Provide the debt amount and payment date

Ask the customer to declare the repayment date

Call again on selected dates

Complete the information in the CRM system

Success story

Leroy Merlin automated payment reminders with a voicebot

The client was looking for a tool to automate reminders because calling the contractors about unpaid invoices took too much time. Our voicebot Patrycja increased the number of timely payments, also relieving employees, who could focus on more important tasks.
“We are very pleased with Patrycja’s results. First, it takes a lot of the burden off the shoulders of our employees who previously performed these tasks. Second, we hear from our customers about their positive experiences with the voicebot”
Anna Uklańska
Senior Process and Automation Manager
Automatically remind about payments with a voicebot

Frequently asked questions

How does an automatic debt collection bot work?

A payment reminder voicebot communicates with your customers as freely as a consultant. Thanks to NLP technology, it perfectly understands natural language and interprets the client’s intentions, regardless of the words they use. How does it remind the customers about overdue invoices? The debt collection voicebot regularly contacts contractors regarding delayed payments. It reattempts to call those who did not answer, which allows you to save time and reach everyone interested. A voicebot for debt collection not only provides information, but also answers the interlocutor’s questions during the conversation. If contacting them is not possible, the voicebot for soft debt collection sends an SMS with a payment reminder – which guarantees that all contractors receive full information.

How much does the implementation of a soft debt collection voicebot cost?

A pre-trained debt collection voicebot costs a fixed monthly fee and covers a certain number of leads. If your unpaid invoice reminder process is particularly complex, you can also choose a custom-made voicebot. The details of these variants and exact costs can be found in our price list.

What processes can be automated with a debt collection voicebot?

A debt collection voicebot streamlines the processes of reminding about payments and recovery of outstanding invoices. Its functions include identifying customers, distinguishing voicemail from a human, providing information on the amount of debt and due date, motivating customers to set a repayment date, and attempting to re-call at specified intervals.

Does Apifonica provide support in implementing a voicebot for automatic debt collection?

Yes, we provide full support – from the initial idea to launching a voicebot for debt collection. In short, we will prepare everything for you. Moreover, our team of experts analyzes your business processes to provide you with an optimal solution based on your specific problems, needs and goals, and seamlessly integrates with your CRM.