Increase deposits and reactivate
disengaged players
Apifonica interacts with your players with new modes, inspiring and motivating
immediate action.
Apifonica is a single answer to
many of iGaming challenges
New player activation
Customer engagement
Player reactivation
User retention
Customer lifetime value
Start getting more deposits today!
Apifonica's tech capabilities for the iGaming industry
See how Apifonica's Voicebot reaches more players and increases deposits
of contacts answer the
call from a voicebot
call from a voicebot
countries of usage
calls per minute capacity
languages supported
When does Apifonica
make a big difference?
Bookmakers, sports betting operators
Activate newly registered players
Encourage betting on sporting events
Increase deposits
Online casinos & virtual poker
Reach 4x times more audience
Get 5-6 times higher conversion to deposits
Re-engage passive players
Gambling marketplaces
Generate positive social media buzz
Reach 80% of the player base in minutes
Promote betting on specific sporting events