How a Spanish online gambling operator gains 150k euros in deposits in 6 minutes with Apifonica

Anna Sopova
Success stories

The most valuable asset of a gambling operator is its account base. Operators invest heavily in attracting new players. But of these hard-won customers, only 2 in 5 turn into paying clients, and 70% of these become inactive (non-paying) in 6-12 month.

Gambling companies well understand the revenue potential of this inactive customer base. That’s why player activation and reactivation as a top priority for everyone in the gambling industry. But it gets increasingly harder to attract deposits and encourage bets. Free spins and bonus offers sent by email fail to catch the attention. Local regulations of gambling advertising make it even harder to reach out to customers. It takes a lot of money, effort, and creativity for operators to engage their audience and inspire action.

Addressing this challenge, Apifonica developed a simple and powerful solution that helps gambling operators attract more deposits and bets from their customer base. A solution that works where email fails. It leverages the power of a phone call to deliver special offers personally to each player and creates a sense of urgency that encourages immediate action.

With Apifonica, one of Spain’s largest operators of sports betting and online casino attracted 150k + euros in deposits in a single calling campaign. The campaign offered a 50 euro bonus to everyone who places a bet on a specific sports event. The operator recorded a 20-second voice message explaining the offer. Apifonica automatically called 100k + contacts and played the message to everyone who answered the call.

As a result, 85% of customers answered the call or called back later, 53% listened to the audio until the end and 4% requested an SMS with the offer. Each of those who received an SMS deposited an average of 50 euros, making a total of 150 000+ euros in deposits. The campaign stats are shown on the graph below:

Average campaign stats for the gaming & gambling industry

The campaign was completely automated and included dialling a list of phone numbers, playing a pre-recorded message, and sending an SMS. Apifonica called everyone simultaneously so the entire thing was completed in 6 minutes. Customers that missed the call and called back later also heard the pre-recorded message and had an option to request an SMS with the offer details.

If you are looking for a simple, quick, and legally compliant solution that will attract more deposits and bets from your accounts, and doesn’t require complex IT development or training, check out Apifonica for Player Activation & Reactivation.

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