Voicebots in marketing – Foxford success story

Agnieszka Wiącek
Success stories

How did the use of AI voicebots contribute to the effectiveness of Foxford’s marketing campaign? We present the success story featuring an artificial intelligence-based tool that enabled the company to achieve exceptional results. Discover how an experienced team of designers and analysts applied these technologies to a campaign on the Facebook platform.

Optimization of lead processing

Voicebot in action

Foxford, a company specializing in language education, decided to deploy Apifonica’s voicebot to optimize the processing of leads acquired through Facebook campaigns. The voicebot began contacting potential customers as early as one minute after submitting a form and performed pre-qualification of users.

The art of understanding

One of the voicebot’s key strengths was its ability to effectively understand a variety of answers to questions, such as “How long have you been learning English?”, covering answers such as “3 years,” “never,” or “well, I used to have classes at school.” The bot was able to automatically recognize keywords and phrases in users’ answers, and then assign them to specific categories defined in a predetermined scenario. For example, the answer “3 years” could be automatically assigned to the category “beginner course”, while the answer “never” suggested the need to offer a course for complete beginners. This ability of the voicebot made interaction with it natural and provided a more personalized approach to each user.

Efficiency and savings

Reduced processing time

Foxford employees took an average of 7 minutes to process one contact. Apifonica’s voicebot successfully processed 7,866 leads, reaching 68% of them and qualifying 64%. Automatic filtering of 2,500 spam leads saved as much as 291 hours (2,500 x 7 minutes) of sales team’s work.

Financial benefits

Taking into account the average salary of sales staff and the time savings of 7 minutes per lead, the use of voicebot saved Foxford PLN 23,919. Efficiency and time savings have become key benefits associated with the use of AI voicebot technology.

Improved campaigns and customer service

Reliability and scalability

Thanks to Apifonica’s voicebot’s ability to quickly respond to customer inquiries within 2 minutes and to work 24/7, the Foxford campaign noted significantly increased efficiency. This has also relieved the sales and marketing department of routine duties, allowing employees to focus on more complex tasks.


Based on the example of the use of AI voicebot in marketing, it can be concluded that this technology is able to significantly reduce the expenditure of time and resources, while increasing the efficiency of campaigns. From campaign creation to optimization, AI voicebot helps improve the results of marketing efforts by increasing the attractiveness of communications, accuracy of targeting and budget optimization, making it an indispensable tool in modern marketing.

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